Table of Contents

SQL Event Source


SQL Event Source is a datacore event source for databases. It provides low-level support to define a database connection and query that polls for data. It supports SQL Server, OLE DB, ODBC, Oracle, EntityClient and SQL Server Compact 4.0.

Event Message Structure

Records from the SQL source are converted to the Data Core Event Message structure, with columns becoming Event Properties.


DB Providers

DB Providers must be installed on the server hosting App Store Connect.
(The .Net framework includes most key providers. More info...)

Read-Only Data Access

The Event Source can connect to a database using windows impersonation or with credentials explicitly specified in the connection string (encrypted). However, in both cases, you should only provide an account with read-only access to the subset of data you are prepared to share.


Example SQL Query

SQL Query
  FROM [dbo].[Archiver1_MasterEventLog_Col1_Con1]
  WHERE  MessageDataID > {0}
    ORDER BY MessageDataID

The SQL Query should look something like the above and include the following parts: