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Cross Data Updates

The Alarm Analysis event sink is where import rules are configured.

Events are processed in a strict FIFO (First In - First Out) sequence. During this phase, the event is parsed purely on the content of the individual record. However, there is a secondary phase called “Cross Data Updates” which works on a wider context by consulting historical data.

Cross Data Updates include the following functions…

NB. Cross Data Functions incur processing overhead and should only be enabled if required.

Dupe Check

An event is considered a dupe if if shares the following properties with another event:

* Timestamp * EventType * AlarmIdentifier * Paramater * Priority

If a dupe is identified, the Event Type is updated with a “_Dupe” suffix. The event remains in the Sequence of Events, but is removed from any KPIs.

Compile Alarm Properties

This process matches up ALMs and RTNs and calculates alarm duration, on-to-on durataion, off-to-on duration, and flags if chattering. An alarm is considered chattering if the annunicates 3 or more times within a calendar minute.

Calculate Alarm Disabled Properties

Alarm Disabled properties include Alarm Disabled Duration.

This can only be calculated if the Alarm Analysis record has properties:

* EventType: INT (intervention) * OpAction: DISABLE_ON or DISABLE_OFF

Calculate Manual Mode Properties

Manual Mode properties include Manual Mode Duration.

This can only be calculated if the Alarm Analysis record has properties:

* EventType: INT (intervention) * OpAction: MANUAL_ON or MANUAL_OFF

alarm_analysis/cross_data_updates.1663851800.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/22 13:03 by su