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Meta tags

Meta tags are used to perform various aggregations and calculations in order to retrieve results for statistical analysis or user presentation. Alarm analysis meta tags allow A&E data KPIs to be queried and visualised just like any process data source. View a full list of KPIs here.


The following meta tags are available for asset, tag and alarm identifier data aggregations (string before the meta tag will be used to match A&E data which will be used for analysis). For example:

  • `Oil Co/Osprey/KPI No ALM` - This will get the number of alarms for *Oil Co/Osprey* asset.
  • `Oil Co/Osprey/LIC040/KPI No ALM` - This will get the number of alarms for *LIC040* tag.
  • `Oil Co/Osprey/LIC040/HIHI/KPI No ALM` - This will get the number of alarms for *LIC040 HIHI* tag.


  • † Indicates that KPI supports excluding empty aggregation buckets, for example if property `ExludeEmptyBuckets` set to true it won't take empty days when calculating averages. See examples for more info.
KPI Avg No Alm per 1h
Mean average number of alarms per 1 hour buckets per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be equal or greater than 1 hour.
count Y Y
KPI Avg No Alm per 1h
Mean average number of alarms per 1 hour buckets per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be equal or greater than 1 hour.
count Y Y
KPI Avg No Alm per 1d
Mean average number of alarms per 1 day buckets per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be equal or greater than 1 day.
count Y Y
kpi md avg no alm per 10m
Median average number of alarms per 10 minute bucket, per interval for chosen period.
NOTE: selected interval should be greater than 10 minutes.
count Y Y
kpi md avg no alm per 1h
Median average number of alarms per 1 hour bucket, per interval for chosen period.
NOTE: selected interval should be greater than 10 minutes.
count Y Y
kpi md avg no alm per 1d
Median average number of alarms per 1 day bucket, per interval for chosen period.
NOTE: selected interval should be greater than 10 minutes.
count Y Y
KPI avg max no alm per 10m
Average highest alarm count in 10 minute bucket per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be greater than 10 minutes
count Y Y
KPI Highest 10m
Highest alarm count in 10 minute bucket per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be greater than 10 minutes.
count Y Y
KPI Highest 1h
Highest alarm count in 1 hour bucket per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be greater than 1 hour.
count Y Y
KPI No Alm
Alarm count per selected interval in chosen period.
count Y Y
KPI No Int
Intervention count per selected interval in chosen period.
count Y Y
KPI No Dis
Disable count per selected interval in chosen period.
count Y Y
KPI % 10m > 5 Alm
Percentage of 10 minute periods containing more than 5 alarms per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be higher than 10 minutes.
% Y Y
KPI % 10m > 10 Alm
Percentage of 10 minute periods containing more than 10 alarms per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be higher than 10 minutes.
% Y Y
KPI % 1h > 30 Alm
Percentage of 1 hour periods containing more than 30 alarms per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be higher than 1 hour.
% Y Y
KPI No 10m Accpt
Count of number of 10 minute buckets with an acceptable number (0 or 1) of alarms per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be higher than 10 minutes.
count Y Y
KPI No 1h Accpt
Count of number of 1 hour buckets with an acceptable number (≤6) of alarms per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be higher than 1 hour.
count Y Y
KPI No 1d Accpt
Count of number of 1 day buckets with an acceptable number (≤144) of alarms per selected interval in chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be higher than 1 day.
count Y Y
KPI % Top 10 MFA
Percentage contribution of top 10 most frequent alarms in period (bad actors) per selected interval in chosen period.
% Y Y
KPI % Top 10 MFI
Percentage contribution of top 10 most frequent interventions in selected period (bad actors) per selected interval in chosen period.
% Y Y
KPI Longest Flood
Longest flood time span per selected interval in the chosen period.
ms Y Y
KPI % time in flood
Percentage time spent in flood per selected interval in the chosen period.
% Y Y
KPI Flood Count
Flood count per selected interval for chosen period.
NOTE: interval should be greater than 0 minutes.
count Y Y
KPI avg % time > steady target (>1)
% Y Y
KPI avg % time > upset target (>10)
% Y Y
alarm_analysis/meta_tags.1627375814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/27 08:50 by su