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App Store Connect: Back Up and Restore

App Store Connect is quick to install, but at some point you may wish to consider a back up policy. Particularly if you've configured multiple data sources and/or are using the built-in Edge Historian to store application data (e.g. Alarm Analysis or Controller Consultant reports).

Depending on your circumstances, the following options are available:

Virtual Machine: Snapshot

If App Store Connect is installed on a Virtual Machine, snapshot is a reliable way to back-up an entire server. Refer to VM documentation for information on how to create, schedule and restore snapshots.

Virtual Machine: Manual

If snapshot is not an option, configuration and data files can be manually backed up and restored. Instructions are provided below, though note it is a technical procedure.

Development is underway for an App Store Connect back up utility - provisional release date Q4 2017.

1. Back Up App Store Connect Configuration

Details to follow

2. Edge Historian

2.1 Prepare a back-up location

* Stop the Windows Service “Intelligent Plant Big Data Service 2.0”.

* Edit Elasticsearch configuration file: C:\Program Files\Intelligent Plant\Big Data\es\config\elasticsearch.yml

(This is a text file using YAML format and that can be edited in any text editor.)

# Path to log files:
path.logs: "c:\\temp\\backup\\"

* Uncomment the path.logs entry (remove hash) and provide a filepath to your back-up location.

Restart the Windows Service “Intelligent Plant Big Data Service 2.0”.

app_store_connect/back_up_and_restore.1501769218.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/03 14:06 by su