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Antivirus Exclusion

Antivirus utilities constantly scan files and folders for suspiciuos activity. This can impede App Store Connect functionaility, particularly if your App Store Connect is responsible for processing and recording high volumes of data.

We recommend Windows Security Exclusion Rules be configured for the following folders:

  • %ProgramData%\Intelligent Plant\Data Core Application Host\Service\Applications\
  • %ProgramFiles%\Intelligent Plant\Big Data\es\backup *
  • %ProgramFiles%\Intelligent Plant\Big Data\es\data *

* NB. These are default folder locations. In custom installations Big Data folders are often mapped to dedicated data drives.

Instructions on how to configuring an exclusion for Microsoft Windows Security:

big_data_service/antivirus_exclusion.1645793985.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/25 12:59 by su