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Trust Management

About Trusts

Registered organizations can establish trusts with 3rd party organizations. If your organization trusts another organization, you can grant access to your App Store Connect data sources to groups in the external organization.

For example, if your organization trusts Intelligent Plant, you can grant the Intelligent Plant Support Team access to your App Store Connect data sources to assist with troubleshooting, or to allow us to help you find additional value in your data through our apps. Likewise, you can create trusts to other 3rd parties who you have contracted to perform analysis of your data.

All trusts are one-way. That is, if you choose to trust Organization X, this does not automatically mean that Organization X trusts your organization (and vice versa).

Trusts Overview

To view the trusts overview page for your organization, click on the link at the bottom of the organization portal:

Trusts overview

By default, trusts are disabled in both directions:

Initial trusts status

Important: Before making any changes to the organization trusts, please review the information on the trusts overview page to ensure that you fully understand it. If you have any queries regarding trusts, please do not hesitate to contact Intelligent Plant.

Outgoing Trusts

Outgoing trusts are the 3rd party organizations that are trusted by your organization.

Enabling Outgoing Trusts

To enable outgoing trusts, click on the Allow <Your Organization Name> to trust 3rd party organizations link:

Outgoing trusts enabled

Disabling Outgoing Trusts

To disable outgoing trusts, click on the Do not allow <Your Organization Name> to trust any 3rd party organizations link.

Configuring Outgoing Trusts

To configure outgoing trusts, click on the View and manage the 3rd party organizations trusted by <Your Organization Name> link. This process is covered in more detail here.

Incoming Trusts

Incoming trusts are the 3rd party organizations that trust your organization.

Enabling Incoming Trusts

To enable incoming trusts, click on the Allow 3rd party organizations to trust <Your Organization Name> link:

incoming trusts enabled

Disabling Incoming Trusts

To disable incoming trusts, click on the Do not allow any 3rd party organizations to trust <Your Organization Name> link

Configuring Incoming Trusts

To configure incoming trusts, click on the View and manage the 3rd party organizations that trust <Your Organization Name> link. This process is covered in more detail here.

general/organization_user_and_data_management/trust_management.1560245989.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/11 09:39 by su