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Industrial App Store FAQ

Thinking about registering with the App Store but want to know a bit more about it first? You're not alone, below are our most Frequently Asked Questions. If yours aren't answered, get in touch.

What is the Industrial App Store?

The Industial App Store is an online marketplace for industrial applications. Industrial Apps typically perform visualization and analysis functions on industrial process time-series data (e.g. pressures, temperatures, choke postions, tank levels, flow-rates, etc…) and/or Alarm & Event data (e.g. outputs from monitors on SCADA, DCS, and ESD systems).

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What is App Store Connect?

App Store Connect is Intelligent Plant's data-routing and data-access software. It is installed to a customer network and enables connectivity between customer data sources and cloud based applications available on the Industrial App Store.

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How does App Store Connect work?

App Store Connect runs as a windows service on your corporate network (it's the only installation you need to do).

Once set-up, it acts a data conduit routing queries from Industrial App Store users to data sources configured on your App Store Connection. This video provides a good introduction…

What historians does App Store Connect support?

Is App Store Connect safe?

App Store Connect has already been approved for use by a number of blue chip clients and we're ready to work with your Digital Security Team.

For starters, here's an overview of our Digital Security Key Features.

Where is data stored?

Client data remains on client infrastructure. App Store Connect is not a data transfer tool, it as a connection tool.

Have you a privacy policy?

Yes, read it here.

I'm new to the App Store, where do I start?

Take a look around. Click on the app cards for more information and video links. Get in touch with us for more information.

How do I connect an historian to the Industrial App Store?

App Store Connect ships with connectors for most Industrial Data Historians. The configuration required for each will be slightly different, but the general procedure is the same:

  1. Install App Store Connect
  2. Configure Real Time Data Source

More information is availble on: How to Connect your data to the App Store.

Can I use the Industrial App Store to collaborate with colleagues in other companies?

The Wood Review on UK offshore oil and gas recovery (2014) identified:

 the need for far greater constructive collaboration between operators 

With this in mind, we desiged data collaboration at the heart of the Industrial App Store. Organizations can enable trusts that enable their employees to work together.

For more information, see Inter-organization Trust Management.

How can I find out if my organization is using the Industrial App Store?

Contact and we'll you know.

Do I need to install App Store Connect?

You only need to install App Store Connect if you want to connect data to applications. If your organization is already registed with the Industrial App Store, the chances are that an App Store Connect has already been set-up and access to organzation data sources configured. If so, you should contact your App Store Connect administrator and request access.

If you do not know who your App Store Connect administrator is, contact

How do Microsoft Power Tools (Power BI, Flow Automate, Power Apps) integrate with the Industrial App Store?

In March 2019 Microsoft announced that Power BI Desktop would ship with Intelligent Plant’s Industrial App Store connector. This means you can now connect your Industrial Data Historians directly Power BI reports (no need to export to excel or SQL first).

Connectors for Microsoft Power Apps and Automate soon followed.

How does the Industrial App Store fit with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)?

My country/company has strict data protection laws. Can I still use the Industrial App Store?

App Store Connect can be a good solution where data protection laws prohibit the migration of data across borders. App Store Connect enables access to existing data sources rather than moving data to alternative repositories in other countries.

We don't store user passwords. We advise organizations that use Azure Active Directory to register their organization with the Industrial App Store. This means Microsoft take care of user authentication.

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Do you support multi-factor authentication?

Yes. If you register your organization with the Industrial App Store, your Domain Administrator can enable multi-factor authenticaion on your Azure Active Directory.

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How do you protect transmitted data?

All internet communication is encrypted via HTTPS.

Do you perform security audits?

Intelligent Plant (who manage the Industrial App Store) are ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 accredited.

Do you have any documentation that can help in deciding what method to opt for when making dashboards?

This Implementation Table provides details on a variety of methods that could be used when working towards building dashboards.

For Calculations

Method Scale Limit Responsibility for Scaling Possible Complexity Ease of Replication Experience Required IP Protection Effort to create single dashboard Effort to create many dashboards
Templated Script TagsASC ServerIntelligent PlantLow (Orchestrated)Upload Instances (Easy)Basic Configuration (Select Tags)Tags can be seen by client admin, new instances can be created by adminLowLow (import)
Custom Script TagsASC Server & Code EfficiencyDeveloperLow (Orchestrated)Developer ResponsibleBasic Code (Scripting)Code can be seen and copied/modified by adminLowHigh (Up To Developer)
Custom Script Tags With DLLASC Server & Code EfficiencyDeveloperLow (Orchestrated)Developer ResponsibleMedium Code (Compilation/Linking)DLL code can be obfuscated but decompilation possible.LowHigh (Up To Developer)
Jupyter HubBandwidth & Capacity Of Server InstanceDeveloperMedium (Manually Run)Developer ResponsibleBasic PythonScripts are stored on intelligent plant server - could be accessed by someone if they broke contract.MediumHigh (Up To Developer)
App Implementation (Ext. Host)Bandwidth & Server Host & Code EfficiencyDeveloperHigh (Fully Open)Developer ResponsibleAdvanced CodingNo one else can possibly see how your app does something, but they could attempt to replicate results through reverse engineeringDepends On AppDepends On App
App Implementation (Local Install)Server Host & Code EfficiencyDeveloperHigh (Fully Open)Developer ResponsibleAdvanced CodingA local install would mean anyone with access to the client host could decompile or attempt to reuse code.Depends On AppDepends On App
Power AutomateBandwidth & Azure Limits On Data, Executions Etc..DeveloperVery Low (Orchestrated, Restricted)Developer ResponsibleDrag And DropDepends on sharing levelLow

For Displays

Method Shareable with Users Real-time Updates Embeddable User Configurable
Power BIYesNoNoYes
Jupyter HubNo, this must be run by the developer, but when it works then it could be used as start of appNoNo(Developer Only)No
New AppDeveloper ResponsibleDeveloper ResponsibleDeveloper ResponsibleDeveloper Responsible

For Storage

Storage of Data Write-ability
Client HistorianUnlikely
IP HistYes
Alarm AnalysisYes

Will upgrading Windows OS impact Intelligent Plat software?

The Industrial App Store model means that apps are hosted in the cloud and therefore software management is not an issue for organization IT departments. However, you may host some softare on-prem - for example, App Store Connect, Data Core Nodes, or stand-alone instances of Intelligent Plant apps.

In these cases, refer to our guidance notes for more information.

* [general:preparing_for_a_server_upgrade|Preparing for a Server Upgrade]]

general/industrial_app_store_faq.1645616841.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/23 11:47 by su