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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix the "Delete credentials" error?

Error message:
We're unable to connect. Please delete your credentials and try again later.

 Delete credentials - symptom

One thing to try would be to remove the permission of the connector and try to log in again.

To do that you go to File > Option and Settings > Data source settings.

You should then see the following:  Data source settings

Here you can then select the Industrial App Store and click “Clear Permissions”.

This should remove any existing credentials and allow you to log in again.

How do I modify my query to use parameters?

Adding parameters to your Power BI dashboard can be an extremely useful way to change the data query, and is quick and easy to do.

You can create parameters after adding data from IAS to your Power BI dashboard. To do this, click “Transform Data” which will open the Power Query Editor window. In there, go to the Home tab and select “Manage Parameters”.

Click “New” to start a new parameter and begin filling out the parameters details.

Once you have made all of the parameters you need, insert them in to the original query like so:

Apply and Close the editor to go back to your dashboard. Now the parameters can be edited by going to Transform Data → Edit Parameters.

How do I fill out the "Get" queries?

Get Processed

Name Required Type Description Default Example
Tag Name(s) true string Comma separated tag names to get data for. n/a Sinusoid,LIC040
Start Date true string Absolute or relative start time to use when performing the data query. n/a *-10d, 2018-01-15
End Date true string Absolute or relative end time to use when performing the data query. n/a *, *-1h, 2020-09-01T00:00:00
Function true option Data function/aggregation to use when performing data query. n/a Interp, Plot, Min, Max, Avg, Raw
Interval false string The sample interval. n/a 20s, 3h, 1d
Display false option Indicate whether to display numerical, string or both tag values. Some tags (digital) might indicate a status which has a more meaningful text value, e.g.OFF, representation than a numerical value, e.g. 0. Numeric

Get Plot

Name Required Type Description Default Example
Tag Name(s) true string Comma separated tag names to get data for. n/a Sinusoid,LIC040
Start Date true string Absolute or relative start time to use when performing the data query. n/a *-10d, 2018-01-15
End Date true string Absolute or relative end time to use when performing the data query. n/a *, *-1h, 2020-09-01T00:00:00
Interval false string The maximum number of points to return per tag. n/a 20s, 3h, 1d
Display false option Indicate whether to display numerical, string or both tag values. Some tags (digital) might indicate a status which has a more meaningful text value, e.g.OFF, representation than a numerical value, e.g. 0. Numeric

Get Raw

Name Required Type Description Default Example
Tag Name(s) true string Comma separated tag names to get data for. n/a Sinusoid,LIC040
Start Date true string Absolute or relative start time to use when performing the data query. n/a *-10d, 2018-01-15
End Date true string Absolute or relative end time to use when performing the data query. n/a *, *-1h, 2020-09-01T00:00:00
Interval false string The maximum number of points to return per tag. n/a 20s, 3h, 1d
Display false option Indicate whether to display numerical, string or both tag values. Some tags (digital) might indicate a status which has a more meaningful text value, e.g.OFF, representation than a numerical value, e.g. 0. Numeric

Tag Search

Tag Name Required Type Description Default Example
Tag Name(s) true string The name filter to use. * LIC*
Page size false number Page size for the results. 20 5
Page number false number The page number of the matching results that should be returned. 0 2

Get Snapshot

Name Required Type Description Default Example
Tag Name(s) true string Comma separated tag names to get data for. n/a Sinusoid,LIC040
Display false option Indicate whether to display numerical, string or both tag values. Some tags (digital) might indicate a status which has a more meaningful text value, e.g.OFF, representation than a numerical value, e.g. 0. Numeric

Get Data

Please note - “Get Data” is part of our legacy API. We highly recommend using the “Get Processed” and “Get Plot” functions instead

Name Required Type Description Default Example
Tag Name(s) true string Comma separated tag names to get data for. n/a Sinusoid,LIC040
Start Date true string Absolute or relative start time to use when performing the data query. n/a *-10d, 2018-01-15
End Date true string Absolute or relative end time to use when performing the data query. n/a *, *-1h, 2020-09-01T00:00:00
Function true option Data function/aggregation to use when performing data query. n/a Interp, Plot, Min, Max, Avg, Raw
Interval false string The sample interval. n/a 20s, 3h, 1d
Number of Points false number The maximum number of points to return per tag. Takes precedence over the Interval parameter if both specified. n/a 10, 150
Display false option Indicate whether to display numerical, string or both tag values. Some tags (digital) might indicate a status which has a more meaningful text value, e.g. OFF, representation than a numerical value, e.g. 0. Numeric

What is the difference between using "Get Raw" compared to "Get Data" - Function = "Raw"?

There is no difference between these two approaches in terms of the data it returns. “Get Raw” is part of our newer API where we have separated out the types of queries as they each have different inputs. The “Get Data” is our legacy API which contains them all in a single endpoint.

How do time zones work with the Industrial Connector?

The Industrial Connector requires that the user specify UTC timestamps when absolute query timestamps (such as a start date of 2023-04-12T00:00, for example) are used.

Time zones can be ignored when using relative times (e.g. “*-20m”, “*-7d”)

Contact support

If any of the aforementioned issues persist, feel free to get in touch with us.

power_bi_connector/faqs.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/31 14:21 by su