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Updating Power BI Connection Configuration

The Intelligent Plant - Industrial Connector for Power BI allows report developers to connect to on-prem data source via the Industrial App Store. This is done via App Store Connect - a software service that runs within an organization business network to connect internal data sources to online apps such as Power BI.

A single App Store Connect may host multiple data sources. The example below shows the data sources available on the Intelligent Plant “Demo Data Sources - IPAppStoreNode” App Store Connection.

Data points belonging to a data source can then be queried by tag names.

A change in the name of an App Store Connection, a data source and/or a tag, will require updates to be made to the Power BI report.

Where to make changes

1. Open the PowerBI Report

2. Select Transform Data > Transform Data

3. For each query, select Advanced Editor

4. Update the query as required…

4.1. A Connection Name will appear 3 times in the query

4.2. The data source name appears alongside the connection name:

4.3. The query will contain 1 or more tags.

5. Save and refresh the report.

power_bi_connector/updating_connection_configuration.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/31 14:24 by su