Table of Contents
App Safe- and Block-List Management
The App Store uses the concept of safe- and block-lists to control the apps that an organization's users are allowed to sign in to.
Important: By default, safe-listing is disabled for newly-registered organizations, meaning that its users can sign in to any app that is not block-listed. Intelligent Plant recommends enabling the safe list for full control over app access.
To view the app access overview page, click on the Configure the safe- and block-listed apps for <Your Organization Name> link in the organization portal actions. The overview page displays a summary of the safe- and block-list status:
To enable the safe list, click on Enable Safe List:
When the safe list is enabled, it can be disabled by clicking on Disable Safe List.
Managing the Safe List
When the safe list is enabled, click on Manage Safe-Listed Apps on the app access overview to open the safe list management page:
Adding Apps to the Safe List
To add apps to the safe list, click on the Add Apps to Safe List button. This will open the app browser, allowing you to page through the available apps and select the ones you want to add to the safe-list:
Click on the Save Changes button to apply the changes:
Removing Apps from the Safe List
Click on the Remove button next to a safe-listed app to remove it from the safe list.
Managing Access Permissions
You can restrict access to any app to specific organization groups and users. To manage permissions for a safe-listed app, click on Authorized Users and Groups next to the list entry:
By default, when an app is added to the safe list, the All Users group is granted access permissions to the app. Existing permissions can be removed by clicking on the Remove button next to the entry.
Grant permission to a group by clicking on the Add Groups button. Similarly, permissions for individual users can be granted by clicking on the Add Users button. These actions will display the group browser and user browser respectively, where you can select the items to grant app permissions to:
In both cases, click on Save Changes to apply the changes:
If you view the assigned apps for affected users or groups, you will see that their assigned app list has been updated, e.g.
Managing the Block List
From the app access overview page, click on Manage Block-Listed Apps to open the block list management page:
Adding Apps to the Block List
Adding an app to the block list will immediately prevent all users in the organization from using the app, even if it has been safe-listed.
To block-list an app, click on Add Apps to Block List. This will open the app browser, allowing you to page through the available apps and select the ones you want to add to the block-list:
Click Save Changes to update the block list:
Removing Apps from the Safe List
Click on the Remove button next to a block-listed app to remove it from the block list.